Ansible vs Puppet - Which Configuration Management Tool is Better for Your Infrastructure?

June 28, 2021

Ansible vs Puppet - Which Configuration Management Tool is Better for Your Infrastructure?

If you're looking for ways to streamline your cloud infrastructure management, you've likely come across Ansible and Puppet. Both tools have proved to be effective in managing large-scale networks, but which one is better suited to your needs? Let's dive in and see how they stack up against each other.

What are Ansible and Puppet?

Ansible and Puppet are both configuration management tools that provide a way to automate complex cloud infrastructure. They allow you to manage servers, deploy applications, and enforce configuration policies through code rather than manual intervention.


Ansible, developed by Red Hat, is an open-source tool that uses a declarative language to describe system configurations. It operates in stateless mode, which means there's no need for a centralized server, making it a great option for distributed environments. Ansible's module ecosystem is extensive, with over 5,500 modules available, making it a versatile tool for various use cases.


Puppet, on the other hand, is an open-source toolset that allows you to manage a large number of systems efficiently. Puppet uses a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) to define system configurations and is based on a client-server model. Puppet has a mature community, and its module ecosystem is well-established. Puppet Enterprise is a commercial offering from the makers that provides extra support and features compared to its open-source counterpart.

Ansible vs Puppet: Comparison

Now that we have a basic understanding of both tools let's compare their features based on a few parameters.

Learning Curve

While both tools require some learning, Ansible is relatively easy to get started with, thanks to its simple syntax and module architecture. With Puppet, there's a steep learning curve since its syntax is quite complex and requires a deeper understanding of the DSL.

Deployment and Scalability

One of Ansible's biggest advantages over Puppet is its deployment model. Ansible's stateless architecture makes it easier to deploy, manage, and scale across different environments. It also deploys modules faster than Puppet. Puppet, on the other hand, uses a client-server model that can sometimes cause delays in deployment and scalability when managing more extensive networks.

Community Support

Both Ansible and Puppet are backed by a large, vibrant community. Ansible's module ecosystem is growing consistently, whereas Puppet has a large, established community and a mature module ecosystem.


Ansible's open-source tool is free, whereas Puppet's open-source version is also free but has some limitations. Puppet Enterprise is the commercial offering from Puppet, and it comes with extra features and support that the community version lacks.


To sum it up, Ansible and Puppet are both powerful tools that offer automation capabilities. Ansible is relatively easier to learn and deploy than Puppet and has a more extensive module ecosystem. On the other hand, Puppet's client-server model makes it more suitable for larger networks and comes with robust features provided in its enterprise edition. Ultimately, the choice between the two tools depends on your organization's specific needs.

We hope this comparison of Ansible vs Puppet has helped you decide which tool is best suited for your cloud automation needs.


  1. Ansible, Ansible Documentation.
  2. Puppet, Puppet Documentation.
  3. Ansible vs Puppet,

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